Spring Cleaning Hacks You'll Wish You'd Found Out Years Ago

Clean Hubcaps in the Dishwasher

Cleaning your tires by hand can take a toll on your back and knees. Why not remove the hubcaps and throw them in the bottom tray of the dishwasher? One cycle and they'll shine like new again.

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The More You Know

  • If your kids have gotten creative with their crayons and your walls, there's an easy fix. Simply heat the offending portion of the wall with a hair dryer for a few seconds to soften the crayon's wax and wipe the writing away with a soft cloth
  • Instead of hanging unsightly fly paper, take a cup, fill it with an inch of red wine vinegar, seal the top with plastic wrap, and poke a few small holes in it with a pen. The flies will be attracted to the scent of the vinegar, but won't be able to get out.
  • If your toilet bowl could use a cleaning but you're out of traditional cleaner, use mouthwash instead.
  • Have a little paint left in that can, but not enough to warrant keeping that whole huge container around? Just pour it into a washed and dried baby food jar and keep it tightly sealed for touch-ups.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.