Genius Parenting Hacks That Make Life With Kids So Much Easier

Step To It

Do your kids get frustrated with times tables? Who doesn't! That's why this clever dad came up with an idea on how to subconsciously teach his kids about multiplication. By painting them on the stairs, his kids will unconsciously memorize the tables and learn without even realizing it! The best kind of learning is learning you don't notice... 

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The More You Know

  • Run your wrists under cold water or rub an ice cube on your pulse points to cool down all over quickly when you get overheated.
  • By folding shirts KonMari- or military-style and sandwiching (instead of stacking), you can fit more into each dresser drawer and have a better visual of what's inside.
  • In a pinch for labels? Just reach for the rubber bands. Wrap ’em around your mason jars and you’ll never mistake salt for sugar again.
  • Instead of spending hours untangling your Christmas lights every year, simply wrap them around the bar portion of a pants hanger and clip each end—they'll remain untangled all year.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.