Genius Parenting Hacks That Make Life With Kids So Much Easier

Twin Trouble

Can you tell these two twins apart? Neither can their mom and dad, so they came up with a fun way to track which kids they had. By shaving numbers into their hair, they won't ever mix up these kid's identities. When they get older they might have more of an issue with this setup, but for now, it looks to be pretty easy and pretty convenient. 

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The More You Know

  • Pour pure aloe vera juice (available at most drugstores) into an ice tray, and then freeze it for an always ready-to-apply salve for sunburns.
  • An easy way to tear tape and get a starting edge at the same time. Simply fold the tape under at a 90-degree angle to the roll. Then, with a snapping motion, pull the tape against the edge of the roll.
  • Put some aluminum foil in the bottom of your fireplace before you lay down your logs.
  • Instead of spending hours untangling your Christmas lights every year, simply wrap them around the bar portion of a pants hanger and clip each end—they'll remain untangled all year.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.