Students at five Chicago public schools just got life-changing news... their college tuition, in addition to their board, books, fees, and taxes are all going to be paid in full on their behalf.
But the surprise doesn't end there—in addition to the students getting free rides, one of their parents or guardians will also receive the benefit.
How is this happening? A nonprofit called HOPE Chicago has committed to raising $1 billion to pay college costs for Chicago public school students, of which it has already raised $40 million.
The five inaugural schools, Benito Juarez, Al Raby, Morgan Park, Noble-Johnson College Prep, and Farragut Career Academy, have approximately 4,000 students in total, 80 percent of which are below the poverty line.
HOPE Chicago is vowing to provide scholarships for 24,000 students and over 6,000 guardians in hopes that its two-generation model will increase the likelihood that students actually complete their college education and graduate.
Combined with census data and college enrollment and completion data, the organization hopes to continue to identify neighborhoods and schools that need the boost.