People Who Manufacture Bathtub Trays Seem to Have No Idea What Women Do in the Bath

Bathtub trays, in theory, sound like a great idea. You get to relax in some warm, soothing bubbles, read a book, have a glass of wine. But one Twitter user found that companies responsible for manufacturing bathtub trays appear to have no idea what women—or anyone, for that matter—actually do in the bath.

Sharon Su (@doodlyroses) took to Twitter to analyze the bizarre advertisements released by bathtub tray manufacturers depicting women doing things that just…don’t make any sense.

According to the tray companies, women love to eat entire charcuterie boards in the bath while using every electronic device in their home.

They also keep a bottle of perfume on hand as well as a minimum of three candles, wine, and cocktails. You know, in case of emergencies.

After all, what’s a bath without rose petals, lotion, coffee, waffles, and a hot dog?

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