Hilarious Videos of Obese Cat Exercising Go Viral

When Northshore Veterinary Hospital in Bellingham, Washington uploaded a video of a behemoth kitty, the Internet went nuts for it. The video featured Cinderblock, who lives up to her name, using one paw to "exercise" on a treadmill as part of her weight loss regimen.

Since then, the vet has posted periodic updates on Cinderblock's progress, including another recent video of Cinderblock walking on the treadmill—this time, on all fours.

According to the vet, Cinderblock is on a "weight loss journey."

The hospital posted about Cinderblock on Instagram, writing, "This fabulous feline is obese, and it is affecting her quality of life. We are helping her achieve weight loss through a prescription diet and exercise. She is not on board with the exercise 😂."

The world is cheering for Cinderblock. Many relate to her struggle while others are emotionally invested in her progress. Either way, Cinderblock has a whole lot of support behind her as she embarks on her fitness journey.

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