It’s pretty standard when an elderly family member passes away that their most prized possessions are passed along and inherited by the younger generations. Sometimes they pass down family heirlooms and photographs, jewelry or property, but sometimes, they pass down items that have seemingly lost all value and their family overlooks it as junk. Over time, even the coolest items can be forgotten in dusty attics or mildewed basements only to be discovered by the people who eventually inherit the property. After inheriting a home from her great aunt, one woman in Germany came upon a heavy safe in her house, weathered over time. She cracked it open and peered inside, only to find something that proved to be quite surprisingâ¦
Finding the Safe
This mysterious safe was found by a young German woman in her great auntâs home. It was in rough shape. She had no idea what could be so valuable that her great aunt would have to keep it in such a serious and secure box, and the amount of rust covering it made her nervous about what could be inside…