50 Ways Happier, Healthier and More Successful People Live Their Lives Differently

47. Be friends with your parents

Many people don’t take the time to cultivate good friendships with their parents and it’s a damn shame. Sure, our parents can often make horrible decisions while we’re growing up, but that’s exactly why you should be friends with them. After all, you’re going to be a parent yourself someday, and you’re bound to make your own horrible decisions. So, having someone who’ve done it before to ask advice from really helps a lot.

Besides, your parents are much older than you and have gone through a lot, so you can always turn to them for wisdom and advice.

You don’t even need to see eye-to-eye with your parents.You simply have to understand, respect them and spend time with them, as you would with your closest friends.

If your parents are still alive, try to cultivate a friendly relationship with them today. Your future self will definitely be thanking you.

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