50 Ways Happier, Healthier and More Successful People Live Their Lives Differently

29. Make friends with people who inspire you

Ask yourself, are the people around you inspiring or degrading? Do they make you want to work hard, or are they the type to ask you to skip work? What do they believe in? What kind of goals do they have? Are they healthy?

Believe it or not, the type of people you surround yourself with have a dramatic impact on you, and as you grow and evolve, you’ll start looking for different types of people to surround yourself with. Chances are, it will include few or even none of those who you once considered your friends, and feeling uncomfortable when being surrounded by such people can make for a very painful experience.

Then again, you have to do what’s best for you, so move on, but don’t detach yourself from the love that you have for the people who were once in your life.

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