You'll Never Believe How These Legendary Actors Got Discovered

Ashton Kutcher

Before Kutcher started working as an actor, he was an engineering student at the University of Iowa. He was approached by a modeling scout on campus. The agent talked Kutcher into auditioning to enter a modeling competition and he somehow won despite having no prior experience. 

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The More You Know

  • Shakira was banned from her school’s choir, and her classmates said she sounded like a goat. The Hips Don’t Lie superstar sure showed them!
  • In 1978, Tim Allen was arrested for possession of 1.4 pounds of cocaine and was sentenced to three to seven years in jail. He was let out on parole after two years and four months.
  • Shakira was banned from her school’s choir, and her classmates said she sounded like a goat.
  • Leonardo DiCaprio has never done drugs and had to speak to a drug expert to prepare for Wolf of Wall Street.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.