Embarrassing and Weird Elevator Moments Caught on Camera

Something Isn't Right

These two people rode the elevator for a few floors together. Then, the man exited, and the woman followed. However, footage shows the woman getting back on the elevator from a different floor a few moments later...

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The More You Know

  • The first pair of Nike running shoes was made in a waffle iron.
  • When two white-faced capuchin monkeys meet, they say hello by sticking their fingers into each other's noses.
  • An exotic dancer was busted by the IRS for failing to pay income tax on 1 million dollars in income she received in exchange for sex, from a single man.
  • A German and British aeroplane shot each other down in Norway during WWII. The crew met and helped each other survive. Two of them later visited each other many years after the war was over as friends.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.