You Won't Believe These Astounding Nature Photos Are Real

Brown Panda

This is the only known brown panda in existence. Qizai the brown panda lives in the Foping Panda Valley in China. It is believed that Qizai's unique coloring is due to a genetic mutation. Sadly, Qizai's coloring made the other pandas bully him. We hope that Qizai is living his best life out there today.

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The More You Know

  • The oceans contain 200,000 different kinds of viruses.
  • When two white-faced capuchin monkeys meet, they say hello by sticking their fingers into each other's noses.
  • There are around 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. If you took them all out and laid them end to end, they’d stretch around the world more than twice.
  • In 1966 and 1967, soldiers testing Agent Orange in Canada were told the chemical was completely safe and sprayed it on each other to cool off.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.