You Can Visit These Iconic Movie Locations Right Now


Earth can give us some pretty unearthly looking places. This particular location was actually used to demonstrate an alien planet. The permanently frosted mountainous region of Iceland was used to depict a barren, frozen wasteland planet that was untouched by humans. In many ways, this is kind of how the area actually was. Nothing ever grows in the space, and there is no life within hundreds of miles of campsites and bases around, which are sometimes lived in by extreme explorers. 

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The More You Know

  • Bubble wrap was originally intended to be used as 3D wallpaper.
  • J is the only letter that doesn’t appear on the periodic table.
  • Fleas can jump up to 100 times their body length.
  • Warren Buffett has only sent one email in his life. It was sent to Jeff Raikes of Microsoft, and Buffett said it became his first and last email when it ended up in court.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.