Unthinkable World Records That People Have Broken

The Most Tongue Piercings

Frank Vaca of Lyndhurst, New Jersey won the world record for most tongue piercings. He first successfully got the record when he had 16 tongue piercings. Now, he has 20 and isn't going to stop anytime soon! So far, he still holds the world record.

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The More You Know

  • 27,000 tress are cut down every day to become toilet paper.
  • In 1966 and 1967, soldiers testing Agent Orange in Canada were told the chemical was completely safe and sprayed it on each other to cool off.
  • The oceans contain 200,000 different kinds of viruses.
  • Following the release of Rocky IV, a joke was making rounds in Hollywood. Since Rocky had run out of opponents, he would have to fight an alien if a fifth movie was made. Jim and John Thomas took the joke seriously and wrote a screenplay based on it, which later became the movie "Predator".
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.