Woman Survives Covid, Gives Birth 2 Months Later

COVID has given way to some truly tragic stories, but also some pretty incredible ones. When one woman in Houston, TX got diagnosed, she immediately worried about the health of her unborn child. The month of June was a rough one for Esbeidy Reyes, but she eventually fully recovered and welcomed home her baby girl in August. The child, named Ari Amor, weighed just 6 pounds and 10 ounces fully healthy. 

"I left work early because of a headache. Then I started to run a fever," Reyes told ABC 7 news. Her husband drove her to the hospital where she was promptly tested for the virus. Not long after, her test results came back as positive. "I self-quarantined for several days, but then I kept getting worse," she recalled. After the symptoms continued to negatively affect her, she was taken to the Texas Medical Center ICU at Memorial Hermann Hospital.

Thanks to her doctor, Reyes was able to get antibodies from the plasma of another coronavirus survivor. Though she has no idea where she got infected, Reyes works in the medical field, so it's possible she got it from a coworker or patient. She says that when Ari is old enough, she'll tell her daughter about the insane circumstances she was born under. 

"I'm going to tell her she's my little soldier," said Reyes, "She's my motivation. She kept me going. I didn't want to lose my baby."

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Post originally appeared on Endeared.