Woman's Journey Into the Wildnerness Almost Ends Her Life

No Wrong Turns

Amanda was determined to complete the trail as normal. Even though her friends warned her that if she made any wrong turns she might not get out alive, but Amanda felt pretty confident that she could follow the marked path. Plus, it was only 2.7 miles away from any civilization, so in the worst-case scenario, she could just walk back to there...right? 

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The More You Know

  • The designer of the current United States flag was 17 at the time, and created it for a high school project. He received a B-.
  • Surfaces near the equator move much faster than those in other locations on Earth.
  • More people are bitten each year by New Yorkers than by sharks.
  • Dentistry is the oldest profession in the world.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.