Which Cult Classic Film Do You Belong In?

Films from the likes of Stanley Kubrick and David Fincher are the ones that often withstand the test of time. They've gained an appropriately named cult following because their plots are often complicated with characters that have intense developments. Find out which cult classic film more closely resembles your personality...

Choose a movie genre. 

Choose a color.

Pick a snack.

Pick an outfit.

Pick a spot to hang out.

What's your go-to evening plan?

Which of these is most important to you?

Pick an animal.

Pick a random cult classic movie.

Pick a hit box office movie.

Pick a movie snack.

Pick a film era.

Pick a simultaneous movie activity.

Pick a trait that describes yourself.

What was your favorite school subject?

How many people are in your friend group?

Pick a genre of music.

Pick a flaw that you have.

Choose a flower.

Where would you most like to live?

Choose a hobby.

Choose a superpower.

Choose a career.

Choose a season.

Choose an actor.

Choose a vacation.

Choose a television show.

Choose a breakfast order.

Choose a pet.

Choose a social media app.

Choose a beverage.

Choose a sport.

Choose a holiday.

Choose a streaming platform.

Choose a Disney movie.

Choose a fruit.

Choose a type of home.

Choose a restaurant.

Choose a music streaming platform.

Choose an actress.

Quiz Results

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The More You Know

  • Beavers have transparent eyelids so they can see underwater.
  • Commercial flights were allowed to fly any course to their destination and would often detour over points of interest. This ended in 1956 when two planes crashed mid-flight over the Grand Canyon.
  • Four times more people speak English as a second language than as a native one.
  • Great white sharks are so scared of killer whales that they'll avoid an area for up to a year after spotting one.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.