Washington Man Discovers a Mysterious Extraterrestrial Bottomless Pit Right in His Backyard

The Town Garbage Hole

Mel's neighbors had known about the hole for a long time before he moved into the neighborhood. They claimed that they dumped their trash down the hole for years and they still couldn't see the bottom. Despite that, the neighbors made their own assumptions about the reason the hole was there...

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The More You Know

  • May 22nd is the least common birth date.
  • You make approximately a teaspoon of tears per hour.
  • In 1923, jockey Frank Hayes won a race at Belmont Park in New York despite being dead — he suffered a heart attack mid-race but his body stayed in the saddle until his horse crossed the line for a 20–1 outsider victory.
  • There are 293 ways to make change for $1.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.