Washington Man Discovers a Mysterious Extraterrestrial Bottomless Pit Right in His Backyard

A Mysterious Disappearance

Red Elk claimed that he once brought a group of people on a hike to go find the hole, but they were unsuccessful in finding it. Red Elk thought that this was extremely strange because they were exactly where it should have been. He theorized that the hole only showed itself to a select few people, he and Mel being two of them. 

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The More You Know

  • When the Super Bowl champion Giants visited the White House in 1987, they dumped popcorn on President Reagan.
  • The toilet is statistically the cleanest place in your home. Your desk, kitchen sink, and cellphone all have more bacteria.
  • The Catholic Church considers the Theory of Evolution to be "virtually certain", and believes that intelligent design "isn't science even though it pretends to be."
  • A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.