Unique and Interesting Women You Won’t Believe Exist

Christine Walton

The longest fingernails in the world today belong to Christine Walton from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Originally measured as the new record holder in February 2011, Walton’s nails at that time measured a combined 6.019 m (19 ft 1 in). After getting measured again in 2013, Walton’s nails had grown to a combined 7.314 m (23 ft 11 in). The 45 year-old, who is also a talented singer going by the stage name “The Dutchess,” hasn’t cut her fingernails since 1990.
“I never made a conscious decision to grow the nails, but with all my children and the music commitments, I guess it was easier to let the nails grow. Then one day I look down and they’re like 9 inches long!” Walton insists the nails don’t prevent her from living a normal life; she can still braid hair, cook, and drive. To add some perspective, the length of The Dutchess’ fingernails are the equivalent of: One killer whale, two mini coopers, five average adult arm spans, a president’s nose on Mount Rushmore, the entire length of the average 12-year-old boy’s intestines.




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