Unique and Interesting Women You Won’t Believe Exist

Xie Qiuping

The world’s longest documented hair belongs to Xie Qiuping (China) at 5.627 m (18 ft 5.54 in) when measured on 8 May 2004. She has been growing her hair since 1973 from the age of 13 and now she needs an assistant to carry her crowning glory, as it’s too long for her to manage alone.
Xie has been growing her hair out since she was a child. She says that her last haircut was in 1973. “It’s no trouble at all. I’m used to it. But you need patience and you need to hold yourself straight when you have hair like this,” she said. While Xie has a strong lock on the title of world’s longest hair, there is a challenger, Cheng Shiqiong, who has been growing out her hair since 1996. But Ms. Qiuping doesn’t need to be worried – Cheng’s hair is only half the length of hers, at nearly 8 feet long.




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