Unique and Interesting Women You Won’t Believe Exist

Berliner Kobke

Berliner Michele Kobke, 24, has worn a corset continuously for three years, dropping nine inches off her waistline in her quest for a slim, hourglass figure. Kobke tells the Daily News she started with a waist of about 25 inches. Her three years of wearing a corset, which she wears eating, sleeping, and even swimming, has left her with a 16- or 17- inch waist. “My dream waist is 15 inches,” she said.
Even as she closes in on her “dream” waist, Kobke admits there are health concerns with such a passion. A doctor already diagnosed her with some muscle atrophy from wearing the fashion piece 24 hours a day. But aside even from the medical risks, Kobke has had a falling out with family members, who disagree with the extreme measures she takes for beauty.




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