Tinder Date Ends In Disaster When A Kiss Lands Them in the ER

Calling For Help

Hnaien took control over the situation, as this was something she always knew she'd have to be wary of. She instructed Harris to call an ambulance to come to get her, as she would be going into anaphylactic shock soon and would be unable to communicate well. Harris did as he was instructed and called for help. When it arrived, he jumped in the back with her...

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The More You Know

  • The first TV commercial didn't air until the 1940s.
  • Nintendo was founded in 1889. Before it sold video games, the Japanese company specialized in playing cards.
  • One area of Canada has a weaker gravitational pull than the rest of Earth.
  • Indians read the most out of any nationality.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.