This Pregnant Mom Thought She Was Having Twins Until Doctors Gave Her a Shocking Diagnosis

A Dangerous Time to Be Pregnant

A million different scenarios ran through Kelly's head. She hoped nothing was wrong with her baby. Living during a pandemic and also being pregnant meant she was at a high risk for complications. Could that be the news?

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The More You Know

  • T-shirts were originally made for unmarried men who didn't know how to sew buttons on collared shirts.
  • In 1993, San Francisco held a referendum over whether a police officer called Bob Geary was allowed to patrol while carrying a ventriloquist’s dummy called Brendan O’Smarty. He was.
  • An oyster's sex is fluid.
  • Doctors' sloppy handwriting kills more than 7,000 people annually in the United States.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.