This Pregnant Mom Thought She Was Having Twins Until Doctors Gave Her a Shocking Diagnosis

Premature Births

While it's not always possible to prevent premature births, it is possible to take the necessary steps to care for your baby once it is born early. Understanding the various needs a premature baby will need immediately and possibly as well as through life is essential. OBGYN staff at nearly every hospital are well equipped at providing this care...

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The More You Know

  • The first American woman to go to medical school was admitted as a joke. Geneva Medical School thought it was joke when Elizabeth Blackwell applied to attend 1847. She graduated in 1849, started her own practice, and opened an infirmary for the poor.
  • The patient in the game Operation has a name.
  • A baby can cost new parents 750 hours of sleep.
  • A Scarlet Macaw can live up to 80 years.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.