These Stranded Teens Lived A Real Life 'Lord of the Flies'

Campsite Essentials

Peter was amazed at what the boys had accomplished. He noted in his memoirs that the boys had crafted everything. They made "a food garden, hollowed-out tree trunks to store rainwater, a gymnasium with curious weights, a badminton court, chicken pens, and a permanent fire, all from the handiwork of an old knife blade and much determination..."

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The More You Know

  • A man sued Pepsi claiming he found a mouse in his Mountain Dew. Pepsi attorneys stated that Mountain Dew will dissolve a mouse in 30 days, and showed his can was purchased 74 days after being manufactured.
  • There's a word for tapping someone on the opposite shoulder from behind to fool them.
  • The glow around the moon is called a "broch."
  • The hashtag symbol is technically called an octothorpe.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.