These Newly-Colorized Historical Photos Reveal Shocking Things

Unpacking the Mona Lisa

This photo was taken in 1945 after historians unpacked the Mona Lisa from safety at the end of World War II. Several famous art pieces were put under protection during the war in case anything happened to them. This is one of the art world's most famous paintings of all time.

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The More You Know

  • A typing error of a single hyphen in the coding of the Mariner I rocket, caused it to blast before take off and cost NASA $630 million dollars.
  • In 1923, a jockey died in the middle of a race – but still won!
  • Genghis Khan did not force the poor, teachers, artists, and lawyers from paying tax.
  • Speaking of Victorian England – an unexpected fashion trend of the straight-laced era? Nipple piercings.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.