Countries That Hate America Most

As it turns out, not every country in the world feels the same way about America as... well, America does about America. You might be surprised by some of the countries that don't think very highly of the United States.


Since the end of World War II, the U.S. and Austria have had strong relations, especially since America played a central role in the country's reconstruction and the Austria State Treaty. The two countries have a prosperous partnership. Despite this, according to MarketWatch, Austria has a 55% disapproval rating of the U.S.

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The More You Know

  • Earth is not as round as you thought.
  • The last movie ever rented at a corporate Blockbuster was "This Is The End" at a store in Hawaii.
  • Arkansas hosts the annual World Championship Duck Calling Contest.
  • In 1923, jockey Frank Hayes won a race at Belmont Park in New York despite being dead — he suffered a heart attack mid-race but his body stayed in the saddle until his horse crossed the line for a 20–1 outsider victory.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.