These Are The Top-Rated Movies In The History of Film


Laura is named one of the best film noirs of the 1940'. It's a mystery thriller that follows an NYPD detective as he investigates a woman's murder. The twist? As he furthers his investigation, he falls in love with the victim.

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The More You Know

  • The first-ever animated film to be nominated for Best Picture was Beauty and the Beast in 1981
  • In Saving Private Ryan, all of the main cast were given basic military training except Matt Damon, in the hope that the cast would build a resentment towards him necessary for the role.
  • Some Wookie suits were made from human hair.
  • The filming of 'The Godfather' was disrupted by an actual Mafia member, Joe Colombo. Producer Al Ruddy met with him and reviewed the script, striking the word "Mafia" completely from the movie. Colombo and his pals also managed to elbow their way into casting and ended up as extras in the film.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.