These Are The Top-Rated Movies In The History of Film


The original Alien is one of the most popular sci-fi films of all time. It won the 1980 Academy Award for Best Visual Effects, and it was the easy choice considering how those aliens look onscreen. It's one of the longest-standing alien cannons to exist. 

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The More You Know

  • Orson Welles directed much of Citizen Kane from a wheelchair, after injuring himself on set.
  • Movie trailers were originally shown after the movie, which is why they’re called “trailers.”
  • After a slew of drug related offences, Robert Downey Jr. was a semi-blacklisted celebrity until Kiss Kiss Bang Bang reignited his career.
  • "E.T." and "Poltergeist" started from the same script.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.