These Are The Top-Rated Movies In The History of Film


James Cameron started a classic franchise with Aliens, one of the most popular sci-fi films of all time. The 1986 film stars Sigourney Weaver, and there are still remakes and continuations coming out today. And, if you're a fan, then you know this movie gave us the creepiest scene in history.

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The More You Know

  • Enya was James Cameron’s first choice to compose the music for Titanic.
  • Beck Hansen wrote and composed the music played by the fictional band S*x Bob-omb in the movie "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World".
  • In the movie Dredd, they slowed down a Justin Bieber song by 800 times to create the "slow motion" noise.
  • Movie trailers were originally shown after the movie, which is why they’re called “trailers.”
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.