These Are the Most Overrated Movies of All Time

The Notebook

The Notebook is a great movie if you want to spend two hours intermittently crying and then the rest of your night asking yourself why romance is so hard. The on-screen chemistry is incredible, but the ooey-gooey love fest overshadows the weak plot that's holier than swiss cheese. 

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The More You Know

  • The Candyman, played by Tony Todd, had to put real bees into his mouth to film the movie’s climax.
  • Sean Connery wore a toupee in every "James Bond" movie.
  • The Dark Knight made more money in its first six days in the US than Batman Begins made in its entire domestic run.
  • Steven Spielberg pops up for a cameo in Vanilla Sky wearing a Pre-Crime baseball cap.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.