These Are the Most Overrated Movies of All Time

Fight Club

Fight Club is one of those movies that people only love because there's a twist ending that basically eliminates all re-watching attempts. If you've seen Fight Club, then you can consider yourself to be a member of the elite group of watchers that know what happens in the twist at the end. Critics have been slamming this movie for decades because of its predictability, machismo, and overall lack of staying power.

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The More You Know

  • Jim Caviezel was struck by lightening while he was on the cross in, Passion of the Christ.
  • Michael Fassbender had makeup artists put alcohol on his mustache for a role.
  • While filming Rocky IV, Dolph Lundgren punched Sylvester Stallone's chest so hard, his heart slammed against his breastbone, causing it to swell and his systolic blood pressure shot to over 200. Filming was halted as Stallone was flown to a nearby hospital and spent eight days in intensive care.
  • The film rating system began in 1968
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.