These Are The Most Massive Animals On Earth

Coco-nuts Crab

This hermit crab (yes, it’s in the hermit crab family) looks like something out of a horror movie, but for the species, it’s not unusual. They can weigh almost nine pounds and grow over 3 feet long. They eat fruits, nuts, and seeds, though they look like they might eat you!

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The More You Know

  • Cats spend approximately 30% of their waking hours grooming themselves.
  • Great white sharks can detect a drop of blood in 25 gallons (100 litres) of water and can even sense tiny amounts of blood from 3 miles (5 km) away.
  • Orcas can learn to speak dolphin.
  • Reindeer eyeballs turn blue in winter to help them see at lower light levels.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.