These Are The Greatest Action Stars of All Time

The Coolest of the Cool

Chan basically ran into mainstream success. His big films are Rumble in the BronxRush HourThe Karate Kid, and even Kung Fu Panda (where he lends his voice). He did a lot of work in movies for older children, so an entire generation got to know him as the coolest martial artist out there!

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The More You Know

  • Brad Pitt and Edward Norton actually learned how to make soap in Fight Club.
  • The Dark Knight made more money in its first six days in the US than Batman Begins made in its entire domestic run.
  • The many parts turned down by Sean Connery include roles in The Matrix, The Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, Indy IV and Blade Runner.
  • Disney wanted Robert De Niro as Captain Jack Sparrow, but he declined the role because he thought the movie was going to bomb.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.