These Are The Greatest Action Stars of All Time

Don't Mess With Linda

Her portrayal as the futuristic cyborg slayer in Terminator 2: Judgment Day is among the best action roles of all time. She also did some pretty good things in the action-thriller Dante's Peak. She ended up making it big in Black Moon Rising in 1986.

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The More You Know

  • In classic Hitchcock movie North by Northwest, Cary Grant was actually older than his on-screen mother, Jessie Royce Landis.
  • The Terminator script was sold for a dollar.
  • Jim Caviezel was struck by lightening while he was on the cross in, Passion of the Christ.
  • The skeletons in "Poltergeist" are not props. They are real human skeletons.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.