These Are the Best Documentaries That You Can Watch Right Now

Far from the Tree

No family is alike, and no family member is exactly like another. This documentary takes a closer look at those deemed abnormal by society and their relationships with family. This movie is a great reminder that uniqueness is what makes people special, and love is not something to be earned by conformity. 

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The More You Know

  • A German and British aeroplane shot each other down in Norway during WWII. The crew met and helped each other survive. Two of them later visited each other many years after the war was over as friends.
  • You can buy a completely renovated and converted Boeing 727 jet that accommodates 23 people for less than the cost of a Ferrari.
  • The CIA reads up to 5 million Tweets a day.
  • The United States defense budget of $698 billion is more than the next seventeen nations combined.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.