These Are the Best Documentaries That You Can Watch Right Now

The Unknown Known

Errol Morris goes straight to the source for information on the Iraq War in his film, The Unknown Known. Former U.S. Secretary of Defense and congressman Donald Rumsfeld sits down with Morris to answer tough questions about why the USA went to fight and what we actually gained, and lost, because of it...

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The More You Know

  • One in four Americans thinks that the Sun revolves around the Earth.
  • Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd dusted off their Ghostbusters costumes to visit a terminally ill child who was a fan of the film and wanted to meet them.
  • The 100 folds in a chef's hat represent 100 ways to cook an egg.
  • The designer of the current United States flag was 17 at the time, and created it for a high school project. He received a B-.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.