American Traditions That Confuse The Rest of the World

Laws Between State Lines

Unlike other countries, the laws change between US state lines, and that doesn't make much sense. There should be continuity within one country, but that isn't the case within the United States. A crime committed in Pennsylvania could result in a warning there, or years in prison somewhere else.

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The More You Know

  • The first time Reddit was mentioned in the New York Times, it was described as "foolish collectivism" that "grinds away the Web's edges and saps it of its humanity".
  • A Scarlet Macaw can live up to 80 years.
  • A man sued Pepsi claiming he found a mouse in his Mountain Dew. Pepsi attorneys stated that Mountain Dew will dissolve a mouse in 30 days, and showed his can was purchased 74 days after being manufactured.
  • Tic Tac mints are named after the sound their container makes.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.