The Top-Rated Superhero Movies of All Time

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

This insanely creative retelling of Spider-Man makes him more human and more relatable than he's ever been before. Our star, Miles Morales, discovers that he is the next Spider-Man, and he enlists the help of past Spider-Mans to help him with his mission. And yep, that's Jake Johnson as the Sweatpants Spidey. 

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The More You Know

  • Christian Bale studied Tom Cruise's mannerisms to prepare for his role as a psychotic killer in American Psycho.
  • Portland was named by a coin flip. Had the coin landed the other way, the city would be known as Boston, Oregon.
  • There's only one country in the world that doesn't use the metric system.
  • There's a Russian village where every resident is a tightrope walker.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.