The Secrets Hidden in China's Abandoned Disneyland are Terrifying

Dr. Chanchai Ruayrungruang

The fall of China's Wonderland is thanks to a businessman named Dr. Chanchai Ruayrungruang. His investment company, the Reignwood Group, saw much success through the 1980s. When a new decade approached, Ruayrungruang had an idea for a new business venture...

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The More You Know

  • The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.
  • The hashtag symbol is technically called an octothorpe.
  • Christian Bale studied Tom Cruise's mannerisms to prepare for his role as a psychotic killer in American Psycho.
  • Google's founders were willing to sell to Excite for less than $1 million in 1999, but Excite turned them down.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.