The Richest Mega Pastors in America

Born in Israel ans raised as an Eastern Orthodox, Benny Hinn would covert to Pentecostalism after he and his family moved to Canada. Having discovered his passion for religion, Hinn chose to move to the United States and began proclaiming himself as a miracle healer called by God himself. Not long after, the Miracle Crusades started as his followers packed the stadiums by the thousands to witness his “miraculous” touch, which was documented on This Is Your Day, one of the most watched religious programs in the world.

Hinn’s abilities have reportedly cursed everything from damaged limbs to cancer and even AIDS. He’s no stranger to controversy, though. Case in point, many questioned his healing abilities after he was admitted to a California hospital for shortness of breath after completing a mission in Brazil.

Boasting a net worth of $42 million, he claims that his crusades helps feed over 100,00 children a year and support nearly 45,000 every day. Additionally, he claims to have helped over one billion people over the years.

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Billy Graham

William Franklin Graham, Jr. or better known as Billy Graham, can be considered a veteran evangelist, whose career started more than six decades ago.

Converting to Southern Baptist at the age of 16, he soon moved to Illinois to attend Wheaten College, where he also worked as a pastor in the local churches. Eventually,h e took over a small radio program, which helped him launch his radio ministry while planning to become a chaplain in the armed forces. He never did become a chaplain, and instead, became a traveling evangelist.

Having served as the spiritual advisor to prominent figures such as former United States presidents Eisenhower, Johnson and Nixon, Graham has also preached alongside Martin Luther King. He’s also conducted over 400 modern crusaders to help convert people to Christianity over the years.

Now 98 years old, the simple southern evangelist boasts a net worth of $25 million and over his lifetime, has reportedly built an audience of over 2.2 billion viewers with 3.2 million converts.

Rick Warren

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