The Most Outrageous U.S. Conspiracy Theories

The Kentucky Derby

Fuller took the claims to court. The situation rocked the community which led to speculation on what actually happened. Fuller was a supporter of Martin Luther King Jr. and even donated money to his family. There are suspicions that an anti-civil rights group sabotaged the horse. Another theory is that the FBI plotted against Fuller because J. Edgar Hoover disliked King and Fuller. 

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The More You Know

  • Shakespeare's plays feature the word "love" about 10 times more than the word "hate."
  • Agatha Christie said she came up with many of her book plots while sitting in her bathtub while eating apples.
  • Nintendo was founded in 1889. Before it sold video games, the Japanese company specialized in playing cards.
  • Humans specifically have eyes that face forward for the purpose of seeing in 3D.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.