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We’re Not Mindreaders

“I worked at Braum’s for a bit.

I went to hand an elderly lady her ice cream cone. She took it from me, pulled her arm into her car, took a lick, and then dropped the ice cream down her door. I genuinely felt bad for her and offered to give her another one and clean it up if she would pull around.

It’s 100+ degrees out and I’m in full uniform. I begin wiping the side of her door when she throws a plethora of insults my way.

‘This is why your generation is so messed up. You saw I had braces on my wrist.

You knew I had arthritis. You should never have handed me that cone. You should ask if I want a cup instead. You’ll probably only ever be a fast food worker. It’s people like you that make everyone’s life hard.’ She said a few more things.

The heat and moment got the best of me.

I threw the dirty napkins in her lap, told her to shut the heck up, reminded her I was doing her a favor (and it wasn’t my fault), advised her to order correctly, and told her to clean up her own dang mess.

I walked back inside, explained to my manager what I did, and in came this lady playing ‘I’m a good, sweet Christian and would never disrespect someone’ card.

The manager told her to call corporate, but as he wasn’t outside, he couldn’t believe what she had to say.”

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