Spring Cleaning Hacks You'll Wish You'd Found Out Years Ago

If you've been putting off spring cleaning and don't want to shell out the money for expensive cleaning products or services, look through your own home to see if you have basic items like lemons and baking soda. If you do, you'll have your house sparkling on a budget in no time...

Cook Salmon in the Dishwasher

Though using an oven is definitely the recommended method for cooking salmon, a dishwasher is a great backup plan if your oven doesn't work. Simply wrap the filet in tin foil and turn on a non-soap cycle. When you take it out you'll have a stovetop-quality filet.

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The More You Know

  • Dab a dot of toothpaste onto a bug bite to reduce the itchiness and swelling, and get back to the great outdoors!
  • All you need is tap water that's piping hot to kill weeds in the cracks of your sidewalks and driveway. Pro tip: add a tablespoon of salt to make it even more effective.
  • Find a tall pitcher about the height of your wine bottle and get cooling. Immerse the bottle in ice water with a small handful of salt and turn every few minutes or so.
  • Ever make a complete mess of your microwave when melting butter? Repurpose your butter wrapper as a cover for your microwavable dish.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.