"When You See It" Pics That Will Make You Look Twice

At first glance, these photos may seem ordinary, but there's a hidden gem in each of them. Whether it's funny, unexpected, creepy, or outright bizarre, something is hiding in all of these pictures. How long did it take you to find them all?

What Is Going On Here?

Real eyes realize when your roommate is trying to photobomb your otherwise impeccable selfie. No sultry pout is strong enough to distract from whatever is happening in the background. Did you see the person laying on the floor?

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The More You Know

  • The glow around the moon is called a "broch."
  • Only ¼ of the Sahara Desert is sandy.
  • Domino's Japan trained reindeer to deliver pizza.
  • The world's oldest operating library is in Morocco.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.