School Superintendent Declares Virtual Snow Day

With the prevalence of online learning, kids across the country are missing out on lesson plans and in-person education. With that, kids are also missing out on things like pep rallies, football games, and snow days off. In Jefferson County, West Virginia, a school superintendent by the name of Bondy Shay Gibson decided that just because they could do school online one snowy day, didn't mean her kids would be forced to. So, she declared classes null for the day. 

"For generations, families have greeted the first snow day of the year with joy," wrote the superintendent on her Twitter account. "It is a time of renewed wonder at all the beautiful things that each season holds. A reminder of how fleeting a childhood can be. An opportunity to make some memories with your family that you hold onto for life."

She urged the families in her district to get outside, bond with families, and of course, build a snowman!

"Enjoy a day of sledding and hot chocolate and cozy fires," her message continued, "[...]We will return to the serious and urgent business of growing up on Thursday, but for tomorrow—go build a snowman."

The families were ecstatic to receive such a heartfelt letter of encouragement during such a crestfallen time. She got 17,000 shares in just a few days, but the shares that really mattered were kids sharing time with their parents. 

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Post originally appeared on Endeared.