The Biggest Movie Plot Holes In Cinematic History

Have you ever noticed a plotline in a movie that just didn't quite make sense? Even the famous, ground-breaking films of Hollywood have pretty ridiculous plot holes that people seem to ignore just because the rest of the movie is good. Well, not today!

Here are some of the most obvious plot holes and things that just didn't add up in some blockbuster movies...


Musical comedies are rarely based on reality, but Grease was pretty close to it! True, the fact that total strangers would stop and dance with each other was a bit odd, but the love story between the two main characters was believable enough. 

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The More You Know

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  • In the 2011 census for the Czech Republic, over 15 thousand people listed their religion as Jedi.
  • About 7% of all humans who have ever lived are alive today.
  • All the Professors in Pokemon have been named after trees.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.