Mind-Blowing Movie Plot Twists That Nobody Saw Coming

If major spoilers are of concern to you, now is the time to look away. Here are some of the most iconic plot twists in cinema history...

Fight Club

When the Narrator (Ed Norton) meets Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), all hell breaks loose, culminating in the formation of an underground cult known as the Fight Club. However, the audience eventually learns that Durden is nothing more than a figment of the sleepless Narrator's imagination. The film ends as Project Mayhem bombs detonate across the city, destroying millions of credit records and launching a new era of "financial equilibrium."

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The More You Know

  • Orson Welles directed much of Citizen Kane from a wheelchair, after injuring himself on set.
  • O.J. Simpson was considered for the lead in "The Terminator".
  • Tom Hanks helped pay for ‘Forrest Gump’
  • Quentin Tarantino wants to stop making movies after his 10th film. The Hateful Eight was his 8th film.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.