Can You Finish The Punchline To These Iconic "The Office" Jokes?

If you can fill in all these blanks, then you're meant to be Dunder Mifflin's (acting) branch manager. Find out if you've got enough knowledge of the hit workplace sitcom to pull up a chair to Michael Scott's desk. If you can't pass, you'll get fired faster than Dwight can run. 

Michael: "The Busiest Beaver Award goes to Phyllis Lapin!"


Michael tries so hard at the Dundie Awards, but always falls a little flat in his delivery, and clearly, his typography.


You chose:

Michael tries so hard at the Dundie Awards, but always falls a little flat in his delivery, and clearly, his typography.

Phyllis: "I thought you said green was whorish?" 


Angela always responds with the snarkiest comebacks, and they're almost always directed at Phyllis. 


You chose:

Angela always responds with the snarkiest comebacks, and they're almost always directed at Phyllis. 

Dwight: "What's the ratio Stanley nickels to Shrute Bucks?"


If Dwight decided to start paying the employees of Dunder Mifflin in Shrute Bucks when he was (acting) branch manager, the whole company would go under.


You chose:

If Dwight decided to start paying the employees of Dunder Mifflin in Shrute Bucks when he was (acting) branch manager, the whole company would go under.

Michael: "Jim...James..."


It's very likely that Michael doesn't know that "Jimothy" isn't a real name, but he'll be confident about it anyways.


You chose:

It's very likely that Michael doesn't know that "Jimothy" isn't a real name, but he'll be confident about it anyways.

Dwight: "I am going to plant my seed in you."


Dwight tries to give Ryan some business advice, but unfortunately, lots of common phrases are lost on him. This certainly wasn't the right context. 


You chose:

Dwight tries to give Ryan some business advice, but unfortunately, lots of common phrases are lost on him. This certainly wasn't the right context. 

Jim: "Your department's just you, right?"


Hard to imagine that a paper company has many issues with customer service, but Kelly Kapoor is a solid one-woman show in the annex.


You chose:

Hard to imagine that a paper company has many issues with customer service, but Kelly Kapoor is a solid one-woman show in the annex.

Michael: "I will have spaghetti with a side of salad." 


Michael was trying to impress what he thought was a mobster by copying everything he was saying, but unfortunately, it didn't translate well with this order.


You chose:

Michael was trying to impress what he thought was a mobster by copying everything he was saying, but unfortunately, it didn't translate well with this order.

Old woman: "What kind of tea is this?"


Erin goes to Florida with the team to start a new life after her breakup with Andy and doesn't exactly have an easy time adjusting to domesticity. 


You chose:

Erin goes to Florida with the team to start a new life after her breakup with Andy and doesn't exactly have an easy time adjusting to domesticity. 

Angela: "And apparently judging from her outfit..."


One of the main reasons Jan got fired, though corporate will never admit it, is because she had breast enhancements. Angela might have been on to something.


You chose:

One of the main reasons Jan got fired, though corporate will never admit it, is because she had breast enhancements. Angela might have been on to something.

Kelly: "Well, you know what my middle name is? Rajanigandha, and I hate it!" 


The Diwali celebration didn't go according to plan, but the office crew got a taste of Kelly's culture for one night. 


You chose:

The Diwali celebration didn't go according to plan, but the office crew got a taste of Kelly's culture for one night. 

Oscar: "The Dunder Mifflin stock symbol is D.M.I. Do you know what that stands for?" 


According to Oscar, that's what you'd have to be to own any stock in Dunder Mifflin. A dummy, a moron, and an idiot.


You chose:

According to Oscar, that's what you'd have to be to own any stock in Dunder Mifflin. A dummy, a moron, and an idiot.

Stanley: "It's true. Around this office in the past, I have been a little abrupt with people. But the doctor said..."


The iconic CPR episode finds Michael causing Stanley's stress level to go way up, and until he manages his anger, his health could be on Michael's hands.


You chose:

The iconic CPR episode finds Michael causing Stanley's stress level to go way up, and until he manages his anger, his health could be on Michael's hands.

Michael: "No, I'm not going to tell them about downsizing..."


Michael loves to speak in metaphors that he doesn't understand. The crew never seems to correct him. 


You chose:

Michael loves to speak in metaphors that he doesn't understand. The crew never seems to correct him. 

Pam: "Dwight _____ Angela's cat."


Angela chose the wrong person to watch one of her sick cats for her. Dwight accidentally killed her and then stuffed her in Angela's freezer. 


You chose:

Angela chose the wrong person to watch one of her sick cats for her. Dwight accidentally killed her and then stuffed her in Angela's freezer. 

Michael: "I have flaws. What are they? Oh, I don’t know. I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. ______. So sue me."


Nobody in the office ever forgot the time Michael hit Meredith with his car. Thankfully, she didn't sue. 


You chose:

Nobody in the office ever forgot the time Michael hit Meredith with his car. Thankfully, she didn't sue. 

Dwight: "____ is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year."


Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica. Enough said.


You chose:

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica. Enough said.

Angela: "She’s hypoallergenic. She doesn’t struggle when you try to dress her. She’s a third-generation show cat. Her father was in _____." 


Angela never has less than five cats at a time, and when she brings this one into the office, her coworkers unfortunately aren't as impressed with her new pedigreed baby.


You chose:

Angela never has less than five cats at a time, and when she brings this one into the office, her coworkers unfortunately aren't as impressed with her new pedigreed baby.

Stanley: "Life is short. ______. That's my motto."


There is no better Stanley than Florida Stanley. He does drive fast.


You chose:

There is no better Stanley than Florida Stanley. He does drive fast.

Dwight: "Powerpoints are the _____ of the business world. All show, no meat." 


If you work even half as hard as Dwight, you'll know not to waste your time on Powerpoint. Get right to the point and go straight to your (acting) branch manager instead.


You chose:

If you work even half as hard as Dwight, you'll know not to waste your time on Powerpoint. Get right to the point and go straight to your (acting) branch manager instead.

Phyllis: "I wonder what people like about me. Probably my ____."


If there's one thing Phyllis has, it's confidence. 


You chose:

If there's one thing Phyllis has, it's confidence. 

Kevin: "The only problem is, when I try to make a ____ I get too excited and I crush it." 


Nobody loves food more than Kevin, except for maybe Stanley...


You chose:

Nobody loves food more than Kevin, except for maybe Stanley...

Michael: "I want you to rub _____ on my foot. Pam, please?" 


The morning Michael fries his foot on his George Foreman grill is arguably the worst morning of his life, and Pam's. Does anyone have Country Crock?


You chose:

The morning Michael fries his foot on his George Foreman grill is arguably the worst morning of his life, and Pam's. Does anyone have Country Crock?

Michael: "I love _____. I'd love to be a part of one someday."


Michael Scott would love to be a part of probably any of these things, but in this case, he's talking about all the inside jokes he's left out of.


You chose:

Michael Scott would love to be a part of probably any of these things, but in this case, he's talking about all the inside jokes he's left out of.

Creed: "I already won the lottery. I was born in the US of A baby. And as a backup I have ____.”


Creed is arguably the strangest Dunder Mifflin employee, but luckily if things go south he can jet off to the Switzerland branch.


You chose:

Creed is arguably the strangest Dunder Mifflin employee, but luckily if things go south he can jet off to the Switzerland branch.

Creed: "Nobody steals from Creed Bratton and gets away with it. The last person to do this disappeared. His name? _____."


The fact that the name of the last person who wronged Creed was named Creed Bratton begs the question... what's Creed's real name?


You chose:

The fact that the name of the last person who wronged Creed was named Creed Bratton begs the question... what's Creed's real name?

Dwight: "I'm fast. To give you a reference point, I'm somewhere between a _____ and a _____."


Remember the episode where Pam times Dwight while he runs around the building? Blink and he'll do it again.


You chose:

Remember the episode where Pam times Dwight while he runs around the building? Blink and he'll do it again.

Andy: "I wish there was a way to know you're in the ____ before you've actually left them." 


This Andy quote is guaranteed to make you wish you knew whether or not your good old days have already happened. We're not crying, you are.


You chose:

This Andy quote is guaranteed to make you wish you knew whether or not your good old days have already happened. We're not crying, you are.

Dwight: "Whenever I'm about to do something, I think, ____? And if they would, I do not do that thing." 


Dwight didn't have any particular idiot in mind when he coined this Shrute life moto. 


You chose:

Dwight didn't have any particular idiot in mind when he coined this Shrute life moto. 

Michael: "Do I have a special someone? Well, yeah of course. A bunch of 'em. ____."


Aw, Michael. If that's not true love, I don't know what is. His employees think he's something special, too.


You chose:

Aw, Michael. If that's not true love, I don't know what is. His employees think he's something special, too.

Dwight: "You only live once? False. You live every day. You only ____ once."


Any of these options seem applicable if Dwight said it, but he went for the logical option. He's right, you do only die once.


You chose:

Any of these options seem applicable if Dwight said it, but he went for the logical option. He's right, you do only die once.

Andy: "Oh, it is on. Like a prawn who ____."


Whatever this means, Andy. The office wordsmith obviously let this metaphor get away from him. The prawn who yawns at dawn?


You chose:

Whatever this means, Andy. The office wordsmith obviously let this metaphor get away from him. The prawn who yawns at dawn?

Meredith: "For my New Year's resolution, I gave up ____... during the week."


Remember when Michael pretty tastelessly held an intervention about Meredith's drinking? Her giving up drinking during the week was the outcome.


You chose:

Remember when Michael pretty tastelessly held an intervention about Meredith's drinking? Her giving up drinking during the week was the outcome.

Kevin: "Me think, why waste time say lot word ____?"


Everyone at the office thought something was seriously wrong with Kevin when he started dropping words from his sentences. No, few word don't do trick.


You chose:

Everyone at the office thought something was seriously wrong with Kevin when he started dropping words from his sentences. No, few word don't do trick.

Angela: "The man is wearing ____. He looks like he just got off the boat."


Casual day didn't agree with Oscar. That'll be the last time he shows his toes around Angela.


You chose:

Casual day didn't agree with Oscar. That'll be the last time he shows his toes around Angela.

Andy: "Sorry I annoyed you with my ____."


If there's one thing Michael didn't like about Andy in the beginning of his time at the Scranton branch, it's the fact that he just wanted to be Michael's friend. 


You chose:

If there's one thing Michael didn't like about Andy in the beginning of his time at the Scranton branch, it's the fact that he just wanted to be Michael's friend. 

Angela: "I don't want to be married ____ like a hobo."


While planning her first wedding with Andy, he had the great idea to do a "glamping" style wedding, but she shot it down in favor of a ceremony at Schrute Farms. Not suspicious at all. 


You chose:

While planning her first wedding with Andy, he had the great idea to do a "glamping" style wedding, but she shot it down in favor of a ceremony at Schrute Farms. Not suspicious at all. 

Pam: "How is it possible that in five years, I've had ____ and only one chair?"


When Pam is trying to scheme for a new office chair, she realizes that somehow, she's been engaged to both Roy and Jim in the time that she should have gotten a new chair. Absurd!


You chose:

When Pam is trying to scheme for a new office chair, she realizes that somehow, she's been engaged to both Roy and Jim in the time that she should have gotten a new chair. Absurd!

The group of school kids Michael promised to pay their college tuition called themselves ____.


Unfortunately, Scott's Tots were misled. Michael had no idea they actually would remember that he said he'd pay their tuition. Let down of the century. 


You chose:

Unfortunately, Scott's Tots were misled. Michael had no idea they actually would remember that he said he'd pay their tuition. Let down of the century. 

Michael: "The worst thing about prison was the ____."


Michael is seriously misled about what non-wizard prison is like. No, there are no dementors there. 


You chose:

Michael is seriously misled about what non-wizard prison is like. No, there are no dementors there. 

Pam: "I feel ____ in this Chili's tonight."


One thing's for sure, no one holds The Dundie's in higher esteem than Pam. Except maybe Michael.


You chose:

One thing's for sure, no one holds The Dundie's in higher esteem than Pam. Except maybe Michael.

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The More You Know

  • There are snakes with two heads, which compete with each other for food.
  • Abraham Lincoln was a wrestling champion.
  • Benjamin Franklin was inducted into the International Swimming Hall of Fame.
  • You can survive being in outer space without permanent damage for about half a minute.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.